GREAT FIND for users using speedlights Nikon SB-800 and SB-900, and Canon 550EX

I everyone.  Went to ImagingUSA in Nashville and I found this great piece of equipment that can make using Nikon or Canon Speedlights more reliable in high speed sync mode.

If you don’t know what high speed sync is,  you have to try it!!  We used it  last year with some of our portraits because we wanted to do some photos in the bright sun.  This is when you need to fill shadows in with a flash.  We still wanted a deep blue sky and expose the subject correctly.  High speed sync can do this.  AWESOME!!  To have high speed sync work correctly you had to have one speed light on a light stand near the subject which was any where from 8 to 12 feet away from the camera.

Here comes the problem.  The on camera speed light needs to communicate with the off camera speedlight that is closer to the subject.  The bright sun and the distance interrupted the communication of the infrared beam for both speedlights to communicate resulted in more than not the speedlight closest to the subject not to fire.  I thought this was very poor for both Canon and Nikon not to think  of this before introducing high speed sync to the world.

Well here comes Radio Poppers to the rescue. Finallllly!!!  This system converts the infrared pulses created by the speedlights for high speed sync or just regular flash sync mode to fire without worrying if they will sync.  What a great high tech solution.

I have one coming to me and I will give you my findings on how well they work.  Listening to others at the convention it works well and I am very optimistic.

One thing I am not looking for is that this investment will be shot down quickly because I am sure Canon and Nikon will be coming out with a new speedlight that will have this type of radio sync rather than the inferior infrared beam that both Nikon SB-800 and SB-900, and the Canon 550EX are currently using.

Also, please fire us your best photos to win free prints in our Photo of The Week at  See past winners as well.

ONE MORE THING.  PHOTO CLASSES  Please jump onto our facebook page and become a fan.  We are looking to start photo classes but we need your input on what we should talk about.  Click here to jump so we can hear from you.

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